Persist February Cycle Highlights
New training starts Monday, February 12! Each training cycle of Persist builds on itself week to week. Take a look to see what’s coming in each track. Or try the Track Quiz to find your perfect track.
New This Cycle:
- 3 Day Full Body for both Pump Lift & Pump Condition now as Persist tracks.
- 50g Protein Challenge starts Feb. 12!
- NEW Protein Ebook, Persist with Protein, available now! Only $19 for Persist subscribers.

Training Split & Primary Lifts
- Monday – Upper Body Push and Pull
- Tuesday – Lower Body Squat Dominant
- Wednesday – Hinging, Shoulders, and Arms
- Thursday Active Rest Day
- Friday – Upper Body Push and Pull
- Saturday – Lower Body Hinge Dominant
- Sunday Full Rest Day
Strength Intensity Highlights
- Strict Pullup and Strict Bar Dip 50 Rep Cluster Training – Perform 50 total reps in as few sets as possible.
- 1-1/4 Back Squats & 1-1/4 Bench Press
- Touch and Go Deadlifts (Sumo and Conventional)
3 Working Sets- Touch and Go Conventional Deadlift -directly into-
- BC Gliding Hamstring Curls x 10-15reps @ 30X0 -rest 2mins and begin your next set-
Strength Balance Highlights
- Adductor and Abductor Training for Bulletproofing the hips
- Rear Delt Landmine Meadow Rows
- Single Arm Tricep and Bicep Isolation Work
- Unilateral Hamstring and Squat Strength
Every 1:30 x 6-8 sets (3-4 per exercise)
1st – Dumbbell Hamstring March x 12 reps (6/side) @ 20X0
2nd – Alternating Goblet Cossack x 12 reps (6/side) @ 20X0
Finisher Format Highlights
- Quad and Core Burn out sets
- Three Minute Shoulder and Biceps
3:00 AMRAP – Alternating Cross Body Hammer Curls 25/15lb rest 30sec
3:00 AMRAP – Cable or Banded Face Pulls - Rear Delts and Farmers Carry SuperSets
- Chest and Shoulder Isolation and Isometric SuperSets

Training Split & Primary Lifts
- Monday – Upper Body Push and Pull
- Tuesday – Lower Body Squat Dominant
- Wednesday – Hinging, Shoulders, and Arms
- Thursday Active Rest Day
- Friday – Upper Body Push and Pull
- Saturday – Lower Body Hinge Dominant
- Sunday Full Rest Day
Strength Intensity Highlights
Strict Press & Shoulder Complex
Every 2:00 x 8 sets (4 Per Exercise)
1st: 6 Dual DB Strict Press + 8 Dual DB Push Press
2nd: 10-12 Cable or Dumbbell Upright Row @ 30X0 + 15sec Isometric Hold at half range on last rep- 1-1/4 Back Squats
- 1-1/4 Bench Press
- Touch and Go Deadlifts (Sumo and Conventional)
3 Working Sets
- Touch and Go Conventional Deadlift -directly into-
- BC Gliding Hamstring Curls x 10-15reps @ 30X0 -rest 2mins and begin your next set-
Strength Balance Highlights
- Strict Pull-Up Volume
- 100 Rep Single Leg Density Burners
Part A Alternating Dumbbell Reverse Lunge
*Perform 100 total reps (50/side) in as few sets as possible. Select a weight that you can perform about 20 reps/side with. Each time that you hit failure rest 20 sec and then continue until the completion of all 100 reps. - Strict Dip EMOM Strength
- Rear Foot Elevated Split Squat
Conditioning Highlights
- Heavy Grinders with Hip Thrusts, Sleds, and Carries
- Heavy Sled Push 50m or Assault Bike 30/24 Cals
Barbell Hip Thrust (185/135lb or 135/115lb)
Strict Toes to Bar or Hanging Knee Tucks
*Farmers Walk (heavy) 30m after each set 70/53lb or 53/35lb - Aerobic Bodybuilding Long 18-20min Sessions
- Sprint Work with Push and Pull Bodyweight
- Upper Body Couplets

Training Split & Primary Lifts
- Monday – Full Body Pull
- Tuesday – Upper Body Push
- Wednesday – Legs
- Thursday Active Rest Day
- Friday – Upper Body
- Saturday – Lower Body
- Sunday Full Rest Day
Strength Intensity Highlights
- Monday Snatch and Snatch RDL
- Tuesday Push Press and Split Jerk Progression
- Pause Back Squats
- 1-1/4 Front Squats
Skill Highlights
Monday – Kipping Pull-Up and Toes to Bar Skill Build Progression
3 sets
8-15 Kipping Pullups or 10-18 Ring Rows directly into
8 Right Split Stance KB Row + 6 Right Split Stance KB Clean From Floor directly into
8 Left Split Stance KB Row + 6 Left Split Stance KB Clean From Floor
Rest for 90 seconds and then return to 1.Friday – Handstand Hold and Handstand Push Up Progression
EMOM x 10mins (5 Per Exercise)
1st – 3-4 HSPU Negatives (5 Sec Lowering) or 6 Pike Strict HSPU (30X0)
2nd – 8-12 Band Assisted Strict PullupBarbell Cycling on Wednesday and Saturday
Strength Balance Highlights
Tuesday Push Giant Sets
3 sets
6 Dynamic Load Flat Bench or Bench Press directly
10 Incline DB Bench Press @ 20X0 directly
30-sec Handstand Hold
rest 2:00 and then back to 1
Conditioning Highlights
- Tuesday Longe Aerobic Piece – 20mins
- Monday Sled and Hip Thrust Grinder
- Touch and Go Deadlift Intervals and Testers
4 Rounds for Time
8 Deadlifts 225/185 or 185/135
8 Burpee Box Step Up 24/20″
Run 200m
Saturday EMOM – Core, Hinge, Cardio Volume
PILLARS & minimalist

Training Split
- Monday – Upper Body Push and Pull
- Tuesday – Lower Body Squat Dominant
- Wednesday – Active Rest Day
- Thursday – Upper Body Push and Pull
- Friday – Lower Body Hinge Dominant
- Saturday – Active Rest Day
- Sunday – Full Rest Day
Strength Intensity Highlights
- Strict Press & Shoulder Complex
Every 2:00 x 8 sets (4 Per Exercise)
1st: 6 Dual DB Strict Press + 8 Dual DB Push Press
2nd: 10-12 Cable or Dumbbell Upright Row @ 30X0 + 15sec Isometric Hold at half range on last rep - 1-1/4 Back Squats
- 1-1/4 Bench Press
- Touch and Go Deadlifts (Sumo and Conventional)
3 Working Sets
1. Touch and Go Conventional Deadlift -directly into-
2. BC Gliding Hamstring Curls x 10-15reps @ 30X0
-rest 2mins and begin your next set-
Strength Balance Highlights
- Strict Pull-Up Volume
- 100 Rep Single Leg Density Burners
Part A Alternating Dumbbell Reverse Lunge
*Perform 100 total reps (50/side) in as few sets as possible. Select a weight that you can perform about 20 reps/side with. Each time that you hit failure rest 20 sec and then continue until the completion of all 100 reps. - Rear Foot Elevated Split Squat
Conditioning Highlights
Grinders with Hip Thrusts, and Carries
Assault Bike 30/24 Cals
Barbell Hip Thrust (185/135lb or 135/115lb)
Strict Toes to Bar or Hanging Knee Tucks
*Farmers Walk (heavy) 30m after each set 70/53lb or 53/35lb- Sprint Work with Push and Pull Bodyweight
- Upper Body Couplets
Get started today by signing up for your 2-week free trial. You’ll get all 5 tracks, 3 Day Full Body programs, plus bonus ebooks!