FBB Macro Calculator About You Unit: Metric Imperial Height ft Height - inches in Height cm Weight kg Weight lbs Age * Sex * Male Female Prefer not to state Used if you do not know your body fat %, based on typical male/female fat distribution. If you prefer not to state, a body fat % is required for accurate calculations. Body Fat % % For the most accuracy, enter your percentage from a Dexa or Inbody scan, or you can use calculator.net or active.com to get this number. Otherwise, leave it blank. Current activity level * Please chooseLimited (Sit most of the day, train < 60min 3-5x/wk)Low (Train 3-5x for 60min, some other activity)Moderate (Train 5-6x for 60-90min, moderate other activity)High (Train 5-6x/wk for 90min+, active otherwise)Heavy (Train 5-6x/wk or more and extremely active overall) If unsure, choose a lower level. Goal * Please chooseChallenge Fat LossRecompositionMaintenanceLean Muscle GainChallenge Muscle Gain Challenge goals will yield faster results, but be more difficult to adhere to and less sustainable for long periods. Protein Approach * Please chooseHeavyHighModerateLow If unsure, High is a good place to start. Lower protein is a good option if you have a lot of body fat to lose, and heavier if you are already lean. Carb Approach * Please chooseLowModerateHighCycle If unsure, Moderate is a good place to start. Cycling is only recommended if you've tracked macros before, as you will be rotating between a high and low carb day with corresponding fat amounts. Your Results Daily Caloric Intake - Maintenance Maintenance:kcal/day Daily Caloric Intake - Maintenance bf Maintenance:kcal/day Daily Caloric Intake - Target Target:kcal/day Daily Caloric Intake - Target bf Target:kcal/day Protein Protein:grams/day Carbs Carbs:grams/day carbs bf 3 Carbs:grams/day Fat Fat:grams/day Fat bf% Fat:grams/day Fat FA Fat:grams/day Fat FA bf Fat:grams/day Carbs FA Carbs:grams/day Carbs bf FA Carbs:grams/day day 1 carb Day 1:g Carbs day 1 Fat Day 1:g Fat day 1 carb bf: Day 1:g Carbs day 1 Fat bf% Day 1:g Fat day 1 carb fa: Day 1:g Carbs day 1 Fat FA (same as reg FA) Day 1:g Fat day 1 carb fa bf: Day 1:g Carbs day 1 Fat FA bf% Day 1:g Fat day 2 carb Day 2:g Carbs day 2 Fat Day 2:g Fat day 2 carb fa: Day 2:g Carbs day 2 Fat FA (same as non FA?) Day 2:g Fat day 2 carb bf Day 2:g Carbs day 2 Fat bf% Day 2:g Fat day 2 carb fa bf: Day 2:g Carbs day 2 Fat FA bf% Day 2:g Fat Where should we send your results? Name * Name First First Last Last Email * Send Results If you are human, leave this field blank.